About Us

 I first became involved with the Royal Victoria Patriotic Building early in 1980 and many years later am still happy to continue the relationship.This website contains a short history of the building together with some historical and more recent photographs, lists those commercial tenants who wish to be listed and gives contacts of those involved in managing the building.

 The RVPB has a long history and we would be grateful for any additional historic information, photos, comments and corrections on the contents of this site.

 I would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of this difficult project especially our architects, John Dickinson and Giles Quarme, Victor Alonzo who with Micky Liston organised the building works, David Wilcock who looked after our management accounting , the Listed Building Division of the GLC (now English Heritage) for advice and some financial assistance, the London Borough Of Wandsworth for advice on planning and absolutely no financial assistance , the many contractors who worked on the site and to all the brave initial tenants who had faith that we would actually one day finish the building works.

Paul Tutton
South of the Border Holdings Ltd.